Art & Artists from New Mexico and the Southwest

Broken Feather

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Native American ArtBroken Feather was raised on an Indian Reservation in New Mexico.  As a small child he was fascinated by the animals, birds and dolls that his grandfather, Joseph, carved for him using only a pocket knife and pieces of available wood. Sitting for hours by his Grandfather's knee, he also learned the simple truths of life that still guide him today.Native American Art

These cherished memories have inspired this original piece of art,  which reflects the patience and spirit of the Indian People.

Broken Feather is one of the few artists today that create wood carvings by hand.  This sculpture takes many hours and a lifetime of experience to bring it to you. The spirit that comes is what you feel in your heart.

"As you walk this path,  know that we, and the Ancient Fathers walk beside you."
Broken Feather



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