Search engine optimization (SEO) is an undeniably essential part of any website. In order to establish a favorable search engine presence, which will boost visitors, SEO must combine with other forms of online marketing to effectively leverage these efforts.
Yet, many SEO campaigns fail. According to Clayton Wood, up to 80 percent of SEO campaigns fail. Hence, for a high number of campaigns, ROI suffers along with the business.
Mistakes are everywhere, though. Margie Clayman notes that, in the haste of companies to get placed on the front page of search engine searches, black hat SEO techniques can result. Unfortunately, it can lead to drastic consequences, such as being banned from Google as they crack down on perpetrators.
Slow and steady can win the race. Instead of targeting the big keywords in your industry, you might start with mid-range keywords. This can help you begin to show up on searches as you build up a web presence for the others. Combining it with social media, link building and guest posts, and other marketing efforts – and the business could be on its way to meet those ROI goals.
The reality is that it’s all intertwined. Great SEO can be undermined with bad web design practices, due to the suffering conversion rates. Some companies stunt their growth by ignoring a mobile-friendly web design. Each element must coordinate with the business’ plan for success.
At Art Schobey Interactive, we offer a full service solution to web design and online marketing. Whether it’s SEO, a website that can increase your conversions, or something else, we can help you reach your goals. Contact us for more information.